- support the release of Raja Petra.
- support the abolishment of the ISA.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Free RPK & Abolish ISA
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Repeal the ISA
Bar Council EGM at MCA HQ
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
MCA, Walk The Talk
Monday, September 15, 2008
Wave Your Flag
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008
MCA "Leaders", Are You Part of This?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Whimpering MCA, Gerakan and MIC Leaders Wilt in Face of Big Brother UMNO!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Pendatang = Niggers
This is the headline in the Malaysian Insider today:
"Pak Lah: Ahmad is not a racist
TASEK GELUGOR, Sept 6 – Umno president Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi declared today that Datuk Ahmad Ismail, the Bukit Bendera division chief, is not a racist..."
How is calling the Chinese "Pendatang" not a racist comment, but a mere "historical fact?"? Its just like calling blacks "Niggers". Or maybe you can make racist comments but not be a racist? Seems to us that's what our PM is saying. MCA should not hesitate any longer. MCA must no longer be part of a government that deems people who make racist remarks as non-racists!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A Rare Kind of Courage, Putting Malaysians to Shame
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Malaysia Today
Malaysia Today is being blocked by Malaysian government. To access use the addresshttp://mt.m2day.org/2008/ You can check the site status at http://m2day.org/ or google for "Malaysia Today ".
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
No Evidence? Just Swear!
Devolution Not Advancement (DNA) Bill!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008
Church with four spires, reflecting 4 different religions
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Spineless MCA Leaders
BLOCK the DNA Bill
Friday, August 15, 2008
Insulting our intelligence & Being Malaysian
Monday, August 11, 2008
MCA Youth
Race for MCA’s top post heats up |
![]() And it is slowly turning into a contest between the presumptive frontrunner Datuk Ong Tee Keat and former vice-president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek, the former minister forced out of office earlier this year by a sex scandal. While never naming each other directly, a war of words has erupted between the two men in the last two days. “Ong Tee Keat may want to continue with personal attacks but I will continue to work. I feel party members are more interested in a president who will work hard to revive our party. “Whether or not my apology is acceptable it is up to the MCA members to decide,” Dr Chua told The Malaysian Insider. Dr Chua, who has still not openly declared his candidacy for the party presidency, was responding to comments made on Saturday by Tee Keat, the man who has been endorsed by Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting, the unpopular party president who is stepping down following the MCA’s loss of Chinese support in the March general election. Tee Keat had pointed out on Saturday that leaders hoping to make a political comeback cannot expect to wipe the slate clean of their wrongdoings with mere apologies, referring to the emergence of secretly taped video clips of Dr Chua engaging in sex acts with his mistress. Dr Chua said at the time the recordings were meant to kill him off politically, but he also acknowledged responsibility for what had happened and subsequently resigned as minister. The MCA’s poor performance in the elections in March has now plunged the party into a scenario in which it is finding it difficult to regain a semblance of support from Chinese voters who are now strongly backing the DAP and PKR. Tee Keat, who is the only man to have officially thrown his hat into the ring so far for the prize of becoming MCA president, is still a clear frontrunner. But Dr Chua, who has yet to declare his candidacy, has been busy campaigning, stepping-up public appearances and getting more air time on television and radio. He has been trying to position himself as a strong leader, and has criticised the current party leadership of not speaking up enough for the Chinese community and allowing Umno to ride roughshod over the MCA. Writing in his blog last week, he also appeared to have taken a swipe at Tee Keat, pointing out that the next MCA president “should not be aloof and distant,” in an apparent reference to Tee Keat’s reputation as a “lone ranger’’ who has few allies or loyal following with very few members relating to his style of leadership. But the former Health Minister will still have his work cut out for him, with Tee Keat’s attack demonstrating how the sex scandal will continue to haunt him should he decide to go for broke and contest the presidency. Besides Dr Chua, another former Health Minister, Datuk Chua Jui Meng, is also seriously considering a tilt for the presidency. While no one besides Tee Keat has declared his candidacy for the elections, what is slowly emerging is that once again the party is splitting into rival factions. There are no clear alliances yet but party stalwarts Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen, Datuk Donald Lim and Datuk Dr Fong Chan Onn are said to be unhappy with the current leadership of Ka Ting, sharing a common stand with Dr Chua. The current party president is clearly backing a new team which includes Tee Keat, his brother Ka Chuan and the popular Datuk Liow Tiong Lai. Former president Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik, who remains influential, is said to be backing the rivals to Ka Ting’s choices. Comments (2) ![]() Deaf MCA Leaders written by Peter Chen, August 11, 2008 Are these MCA leaders, by keeping silent, consent to the actions of the BN government in persecuting Anwar? That is the question on the minds of all MCA grassroots members. What does the MCA top leadership have to say about this other than just nodding its head in UMNO's direction, and forming cliques and what-nots to jostle for positions in MCA? Unless the concerns of the grassroots are addressed, I fear all these jostling will be in vain as MCA will collapse as a political party. So wake up and listen to the grassroots and stop turning a deaf ear: www.mca74justice.blogspot.com report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +2Write Comment | |
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Sunday, August 10, 2008
MCA Leaders, Stop Jostling and State Your Stance
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Still on B or C
B or C

Deputy public prosecutor Hanafiah Zakaria however told the media that the interpretation of section 377B is open on whether the offence was done with or without consent as the provision is silent on the word ‘consent'.
Although Saiful appeared to be equally culpable under the law, Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar said he would not be charged because he had lodged the complaint.
"You have to make a choice. Do we charge the person who lodged a police report claiming that the act had taken place?" he said, according to the state Bernama news agency. "
This is our query on the DPP's and Syed Hamid Albar's statements which we hope some criminal lawyers out there may enlighten the public: A complaint of sexual assault and rape means the sodomy is done without consent. In which case shouldn't it be natural that Section 377C be used instead as it states carnal intercourse without consent? Especially as Saiful had complained of sexual assault? Why then use Section 377B, where the key word is "voluntarily"? Does this not mean the sodomy is done voluntarily, in other words with consent? Is this not the natural construction of the words in Section 377B? How do the DPP and the Home Minister explain the charge under Section 377B? Could it be, (shock horror) that the Hospital Pusrawi medical report, which found no signs of assault or sodomy, have precluded the use of Section 377C?
"Seek justice, by seeking to expose the truth" ...mca74justice

At Court Today

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
This is an article published in The Straits Times, Singapore on Sunday 03 August 2008. We note that the ex-Serdang MP Datuk Yap Pian Hon was quoted as saying that we should not interfere and should just let the police investigate, and that our press statements do not reflect the party's stance.
We laud Datuk Yap for having such confidence in our democratic institution, and we invite Datuk Yap to state what he thinks the party's stance is on this issue. Meanwhile, unless Datuk Yap can state that he is the spokesman for the party top leadership, we, the grassroot members of MCA, call upon the top party leadership to immediately state their stance on this issue. The silence from the top is DEAFENING!
In a rare move, seven branches hit out at handling of Anwar sodomy case
By Hazlin Hassan, The Straits Times
Seven branches of the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), which is part of the ruling coalition, have voiced their concern over the government's handling of the alleged sodomy case involving opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.
A strongly worded statement issued by the branches, which represent some 1,000 members in Selangor, rapped the government and asked for all evidence to be revealed quickly.
Although the seven form a small group compared to some 4,000 MCA branches around the country, it is an indication that some party leaders - often railed by the Chinese community for being timid - are now willing take a stand on tough issues.
'MCA cannot remain silent any more, lest we be accused (if not already accused) of being accomplices to diabolical conspiracies,' said the statement, which was issued last Tuesday. It was released in the wake of a leaked medical report concerning Datuk Seri Anwar's accuser, Mr Saiful Bukhari Azlan.
The report showed that a doctor who examined Mr Saiful found no evidence of sodomy.
The statement by the seven branches was issued before Pusrawi Hospital told the media that its doctor did not perform a 'sodomy-related' examination on Mr Saiful.
But Mr Peter Chen, legal adviser for the seven branches, said: 'If it was not sodomy-related, then why did the medical report rule out sodomy?'
He told The Sunday Times yesterday: 'How stupid do you think we are? People are so angry now over this issue.'
The open criticisms are highly unusual because the non-Malay government parties had in the past kept out of issues involving Malay leaders for fear of a racial backlash.
Mr Anwar's sodomy trial in 1998 ended up being a battle for Malay votes.
But this time around, Mr Chen said: 'Even Malays are calling me to support our stand, and they are saying they are fed up with Umno. It shows that Malaysian politics is evolving, irrespective of race.'
He denied any internal squabbling within MCA.
Mr Lee Chong Beng, chairman of one of the branches that co-signed the statement, told The Sunday Times that the grassroots do not believe in the sodomy charges.
His comments echoed the results of a recent poll conducted by the independent Merdeka Centre which found that only 11 per cent of those surveyed believed in the accusation.
But senior MCA leader Yap Pian Hon hit back at these branches.
'They should not interfere and should just let the police investigate. I don't know what their agenda is. This is not our party's stance.'

We have received many phone calls and sms'es asking if the press statement on 29th july 2008 was genuine. No doubt, the failure of the mainstream press to report on our press conference led many to doubt the press statement. But there were some reports with photographs, one of which we now reproduce here. This photo shows the branch leaders of the 7 MCA branches, and Mr Peter Chen (Legal Advisor) and Mr Lee Chong Beng holding up the Saiful Bukhari Medical Report.
We don't need 'leaders' who only dare to speak when they are out of the government!