Thursday, August 28, 2008

Devolution Not Advancement (DNA) Bill!

Permatang Pauh shows that it is not about DSAI anymore.  It is about realising that we as a nation is standing on the cusp of a new identity as a nation of Malaysians.  It is about realising that we the citizens of Malaysia want justice to be done. It is about realising that the democratic institutions, and the people we elected into Parliament, do not abuse the powers entrenched in the system to victimise a single person.  It is about realising that if the DNA bill gets passed in its present form, it is not just DSAI's human rights that will be trampled upon, but ANY of our human rights can be trampled upon willy-nilly by the supposedly democratic institutions that were set up to protect us!  And this includes the human rights of any UMNO or MCA or MIC MPs or Senators that have run afoul of the elitist few that holds the power to yield the DNA sword!

Think: how incredible it is that the BN Government is so fearful of one man that they are willing to create a new law in an effort to snare him, after failing to get him to submit his DNA!  Syed Hamid's denial that this is so despite it being so painfully obvious, once again makes the BN Government the laughing stock of the international community, lurching Malaysia towards Mugabe-style (mis)leadership!  

Yes, this DNA Bill have shown that the Malaysian Parliament has Devolved Not Advanced ("DNA") as a transparent and accountable democratic institution!


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