Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Whimpering MCA, Gerakan and MIC Leaders Wilt in Face of Big Brother UMNO!

So, the BN component parties have agreed to allow UMNO to decide on any action to be taken against that unworthy recipient of the Datukship title Ahmad Ismail, for uttering racist remarks against Chinese.

What a useless bunch of leaders we have in MCA and Gerakan and MIC.  This Ahmad goes round openly flouting the ISA and Sedition Act and what not, yet MCA, MIC and Gerakan do not demand at the BN Supreme Council meeting today that such a seditious utterer be charged under the existing laws.  How they can delegate the actions to be taken against Ahmad, to UMNO solely, is beyond comprehension.  Should not the law of the country apply to Ahmad instead?  Should the police not take steps to charge Ahmad instead? How is it that the MCA, MIC and Gerakan leaders do not insist at the BN Supreme Council Meeting that the law be applied to Ahmad, instead, they are preferring internal UMNO party procedures take precedent over the laws of the land?

If this is the case, then it is best that ISA and Sedition Act be abolished altogether, for it seems that the present government is indulging in selective prosecution yet again.  And in fact, this is our stand, that the ISA and Sedition Act are draconian laws that should be abolished for it is increasingly appearing to be as a tool to be used only when convenient.  If UMNO procedures can take precedence over these laws, then there really is no point in having these laws.  

Utterly Useless Whimpering MCA, MIC and Gerakan leaders!


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