Friday, September 26, 2008
Free RPK & Abolish ISA
We say that it is not sufficient to just review the ISA or introduce a Race Relations Act.. what is of immediate concern is that draconian laws that provides for detention without trial be abolished immediately. The reason is simple: such laws are being abused to protect interested parties and its very existence is an affront to every Malaysian citizen. After 51 years of independence, it is time we move away from laws that compares our great nation favourably to nations such as Zimbabwe and Myanmar. Go to this link, it contains an open letter calling for the abolishment of the ISA and the immediate release of Raja Petra and all ISA detainees.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Repeal the ISA
Bar Council EGM at MCA HQ
Today, ALL the Bar members who attended the Bar Council EGM unanimously adopted the resolutions by the Malaysian Bar, with No votes against and No abstentions. Among these resolutions are the repeal of the ISA and the immediate and unconditional release of Raja Petra. The Bar Council invited 3 special speakers: Pushpa - the wife of ISA detainee Manoharan, Laila - the wife of another ISA detainee and the just released Teresa Kok.
This indicates that (ironically, given the Ahmad debacle) one thing is clear: those in power abusing the ISA do not discriminate based on race.
Incidentally, we, the MCA7, call upon Ong Ka Ting to clarify his pledge to "champion Chinese causes" in order to win back the support of the Chinese, as reported in Malaysiakini. How does he propose to do so?
On our part, we say that the only way for the MCA to win back the support of the Chinese is to to champion Malaysian causes and not the BN way of each component party championing its own race.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
MCA, Walk The Talk
FINALLY, MCA asked for RPK and Teresa to be released. Two questions:
Otherwise, it will be empty talk again, but what else is new?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Wave Your Flag
On Merdeka Day, there was a nary a Malaysian flag being flown, unlike yesteryears when Malaysian flags were stuck on the windscreen of most vehicles.
But on Malaysia Day last night, there was a SEA of Malaysian flags being waved.
We have to keep waving until all the innocent victims of the abuse and mis-use of the ISA is freed, then we can truly celebrate Malaysia Day. We wave our flags by speaking up, by making our views known to the abusers of the ISA, by telling our elected reps to disassociate themselves from the abusers of the ISA by taking MCA out of the BN, by making known to all that We Are One Nation, irrespective of race religion or creed.
Sunday, September 14, 2008

We note that when the Law Minister of the country threatens to resign over the (mis)use of the ISA, then the nation is truly under siege, hence the flying of the Flag upside-down. It is clear that Zaid Ibrahim wants history to record that he is not part of the process that misused and abused the ISA.
Tell us, which MCA leader was part of the process to mis-use and abuse the ISA? Usually such a move cannot be made without the involvement of the cabinet. Such MCA leaders bring great shame to all its members! We say, if you dare to do it, then Own Up if you are part of it, in order that we, MCA members, can Dis-own you!
If, however, no MCA leader was part of the process to mis-use the ISA, then our dear MCA leaders must resolve for MCA to immediately QUIT the Barisan Nasional! Take heed of Zaid Ibrahim's example, and find some courage for once to stand up to the dictatorial elements within UMNO! Don't let MCA members down for the last time! Because if you let MCA members down again, MCA members will all leave MCA in droves and MCA will be as an empty shell with only its pathetic, gutless MCA leaders with their sorry cronies!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
MCA "Leaders", Are You Part of This?
To our supposed MCA Leaders: Ong Ka Ting, Ong Ka Chuan, Ong Tee Keat, Chua Soi Lek, etc etc.
What we, the members of the 7 MCA branches in PJ Utara, wants to know is this: were you part of the government process that led to the decisions to initiate the ISA crackdown?
If you dont stand up now in this climate of fear sparked by the ISA crackdown, you can forever hold your peace because you useless lot are then no longer our leaders.
P/S Samy Vellu, stop talking about how you called the PM to tell him to immediately release Ms Tan the Sin Chew reporter. You can start talking when you have addressed the issue of the HINDRAF 5.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Whimpering MCA, Gerakan and MIC Leaders Wilt in Face of Big Brother UMNO!
So, the BN component parties have agreed to allow UMNO to decide on any action to be taken against that unworthy recipient of the Datukship title Ahmad Ismail, for uttering racist remarks against Chinese.
What a useless bunch of leaders we have in MCA and Gerakan and MIC. This Ahmad goes round openly flouting the ISA and Sedition Act and what not, yet MCA, MIC and Gerakan do not demand at the BN Supreme Council meeting today that such a seditious utterer be charged under the existing laws. How they can delegate the actions to be taken against Ahmad, to UMNO solely, is beyond comprehension. Should not the law of the country apply to Ahmad instead? Should the police not take steps to charge Ahmad instead? How is it that the MCA, MIC and Gerakan leaders do not insist at the BN Supreme Council Meeting that the law be applied to Ahmad, instead, they are preferring internal UMNO party procedures take precedent over the laws of the land?
If this is the case, then it is best that ISA and Sedition Act be abolished altogether, for it seems that the present government is indulging in selective prosecution yet again. And in fact, this is our stand, that the ISA and Sedition Act are draconian laws that should be abolished for it is increasingly appearing to be as a tool to be used only when convenient. If UMNO procedures can take precedence over these laws, then there really is no point in having these laws.
Utterly Useless Whimpering MCA, MIC and Gerakan leaders!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Pendatang = Niggers
This is the headline in the Malaysian Insider today:
"Pak Lah: Ahmad is not a racist
By Adib Zalkapli
TASEK GELUGOR, Sept 6 – Umno president Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi declared today that Datuk Ahmad Ismail, the Bukit Bendera division chief, is not a racist..."
How is calling the Chinese "Pendatang" not a racist comment, but a mere "historical fact?"? Its just like calling blacks "Niggers". Or maybe you can make racist comments but not be a racist? Seems to us that's what our PM is saying. MCA should not hesitate any longer. MCA must no longer be part of a government that deems people who make racist remarks as non-racists!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A Rare Kind of Courage, Putting Malaysians to Shame
We refer to the news report in Malaysiakini today headlined "Pusrawi's Dr. Osman appears in public". We are stunned by the courage of Dr Osman to stand by his statutory declaration detailing his medical examination of Saiful, which medical report concluded that there was no sodomy.
It is refreshing that there is a doctor of courage who stands stout in his principles of speaking only the truth and stands firm in his professional ethics. For most of us, as we are sure it was for Dr Osman, probably the only questioning by police that we have faced in our lives are when we are stopped by the traffic policeman for infringing traffic rules. Therefore one can only imagine how deeply stressful and distressing it must have been for him to have to face 3 rounds of interview by the police and being made to sign statements in Bahasa Malaysia which he is not fluent in. Most of us would have buckled under in such circumstances.
And yet stand up he did. To the extent of affirming a Statutory Declaration and standing by his medical report. How many of us Malaysians today have the courage to stand up and speak up when the truth is being trampled upon? And yet it took a Myanmar Doctor to show us courage in a matter that is very much a Malaysian issue. How shameful for us as Malaysians!
We, the members of 7 MCA PJ Utara branches, applaud the good doctor and his courage in speaking the truth, putting us Malaysians to shame! If memory serves us right, we believe there might have been earlier reports stating that he has been sacked by Hospital Pusrawi. If indeed he has been sacked, this would mean that for speaking the truth, he is not just getting regular visits from the police, but also lost his job! It seems such a thankless task to stand up for the truth, and most of us would not have done such a thankless task. To show that we are not just all talk, if indeed he has been sacked, we will pass the hat around among our MCA members, and then perhaps we can pass a token sum to him as an appreciation from MCA and ashamed Malaysians!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Malaysia Today
When I was overseas, it was easy to access the Malaysia Today website. So I couldn't understand what all the fuss was about the blocking of Malaysia Today. Then I came home, and I found that the site is indeed blocked. So it seems that the government is able to block anyone in Malaysia from accessing the blog. This can only mean that the local ISPs have complied with the government's order to block access to Malaysia Today!
But technology being technology, the government is fighting a losing battle in attempting to block access. All I needed to do was to google Malaysia Today and quickly found the new address for the Malaysia Today website. Along the way, there was even another Malaysia Today website called claiming to be up since 1998. But anyway to access the real Malaysia Today, please see the following which I copied from the Malaysia Today website:
Malaysia Today is being blocked by Malaysian government. To access use the address You can check the site status at or google for "Malaysia Today ".
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